Katie and Bryan Wedding - Bride and Groom Kissing Bouquet - New York Botanical Garden - Sarah Churchill Photography


Katie & Bryan: A Tropical-Boho Affair at New York Botanical Garden

Katie and Bryan Wedding - Bride and Groom Kissing Bouquet - New York Botanical Garden - Sarah Churchill Photography

Katie and Bryan Wedding – Bride and Groom Kissing Bouquet – New York Botanical Garden – Sarah Churchill Photography

Katie and Bryan met through an app in early 2021 during COVID when going on a ‘first date’ was proceeded with caution. After a sushi dinner, Kate invited Bryan over so they could continue talking. “At 6 am, after two bottles of cabernet sauvignon and 12 hours of nonstop conversation, we basically had to pry ourselves away from each other,” the bride remembers. The connection was immediate for the two Tauruses whose birthdays are two days apart. “Bryan and I are the same in so many ways,” she adds.” We are weird and silly, but also strong-willed and driven.”
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Courtney and Sander Wedding - Bride and Groom Portrait - Blue Hill at Stone Barns - Golden Hour Studios


Courtney and Sander: Late Spring Romance at Blue Hill at Stone Barns


Courtney and Sander Wedding - Bride and Groom Portrait - Blue Hill at Stone Barns - Golden Hour Studios

Courtney and Sander Wedding – Bride and Groom Portrait – Blue Hill at Stone Barns – Golden Hour Studios

When Courtney met Sander in 2021 during a COVID peak in NYC, dating for everyone was anything but casual. This was especially true in their case – Courtney, a doctor, was vaccinated early and taking extra precautions. “We were kicked out of bars at 10 PM due to the curfew and spent more time hanging out and chatting on street corners during those first few weeks,” she recalls. In these conversations, the couple would find themselves agreeing on most any topic that came up, eventually learning that they shared very similar views of the world. “We both had intense feelings early on,” she confides.
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Rachel and Adam Wedding - Chuppah - Brooklyn Botanic Garden - LH Photography


Rachel & Adam: Enchanted Splendor at Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Rachel and Adam Wedding - Bride and Groom Portrait Bouquet - Brooklyn Botanic Garden - LH Photography

Rachel and Adam Wedding – Bride and Groom Portrait Bouquet – Brooklyn Botanic Garden – LH Photography

Rachel and Adam met in Washington, D.C., where they lived a block apart. Rachel was attending Georgetown Law School and they started dating four months prior to the beginning of COVID. Rachel remembers, “We were lucky to be together during the pandemic and found a lot of activities to keep us busy.” Now deemed ‘Camp Adam’ by the couple, this time was spent doing everything from playing tennis, hiking, and kayaking to taking virtual cooking and candle making classes to doing puzzles. While many would find being thrown into such an intense situation while still getting to know a person challenging, Rachel and Adam credit this period for establishing the strong foundation of their relationship. “Adam and I perfectly balance each other out. We love to sit on the couch watching TV shows and movies together just as much as we love to play tennis or go out with friends. Neither of us could imagine spending our life without the other.” She finishes, “To this day, we still try to incorporate ‘Camp Adam’ activities into our free time.”
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Alexis and Danny Wedding Seating Chart Mirror - Bowery Hotel - Laura Watson Photography

Planning & Inspiration

12 Unique Wedding Seating Chart Ideas Guaranteed to Impress Your Guests

Alexis and Danny Wedding Seating Chart Mirror - Bowery Hotel - Laura Watson Photography

Alexis and Danny Wedding Seating Chart Mirror – Bowery Hotel – Laura Watson Photography

After hours of contemplation, you have finally mapped out where your guests are going sit at dinner. Now comes the task of deciding how to translate table numbers and seating assignments into a decorative display that is clear, easy-to-read, and eye-catching. Guiding guests with a wedding seating chart is not only functional, but also offers endless opportunities for couples to be creative while setting the tone for their reception. Secondly, the setup works in small transitional areas where foot traffic needs to move quickly as well as bigger areas where people can take their time and walk around. Last, but far from least, the reception seating sign can be decorated and styled to suit any wedding aesthetic from modern chic to garden enchantment to vintage romanticism. Read on for 12 unique seating chart ideas guaranteed to impress your guests and keep conversations flowing long after they find their tables.
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Anna and Michael Wedding - Bride and Groom Portrait Bouquet - Catch - Zani and Duwayne Photography


Anna & Michael: An Elegant, Tropical Celebration at Catch Steak NYC

Anna and Michael Wedding - Bride and Groom Portrait Bouquet - Catch - Zani and Duwayne Photography

Anna and Michael Wedding – Bride and Groom Portrait Bouquet – Catch – Zani and Duwayne Photography

When Anna and Michael met at the end of 2020 during the pandemic, dating was anything but casual. “Life still wasn’t back to ‘normal,’” Anna remembers. “Because many places to socialize weren’t open, we immediately spent a lot of time together.” The situation was to Michael’s favor because he was on a waiting list to get a new puppy (It was Michael’s profile photo with his parents’ puppy that initially caught Anna’s attention). “I was really excited when it finally arrived,” she says. “Michael goes to work very early every day. I was working remotely so he asked me to stay over for a week to help.” Raising a puppy in New York City isn’t easy. “My patience was definitely tested. I threatened to go back home a couple of times,” she jokingly says. “That first week turned into me pretty much moving in and we have been inseparable ever since.”
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Alexandra and Alexander Wedding - Bride Bridesmaids Bouquet Chuppah - New York Botanical Garden - Khaki Bedford Photography

Planning & Inspiration

Our Favorite Wedding Decor Trends for 2023

Alexandra and Alexander Wedding - Bride Bridesmaids Bouquet Chuppah - New York Botanical Garden - Khaki Bedford Photography

Alexandra and Alexander Wedding – Bride Bridesmaids Bouquet Chuppah – New York Botanical Garden – Khaki Bedford Photography

The top wedding experts seem to be on the same page when it comes to forecasting wedding trends for 2023 – it’s going to be an incredible year to say ‘I do.’ Extravagant welcome and after-parties, mismatched bridesmaids dresses, regal bridal attire, Art-Deco style engagement rings, and cash registries were repeatedly mentioned in conversations about ‘what’s in’ for 2023. Reading through the various lists, we placed our focus on flowers and decor. What struck us about these ‘trends,’ a term we use very loosely, is that they are not trends at all. By this, we mean an ‘of the moment thing’ that looks cool on Instagram, but has no hope of aging well. Rather, these ‘trends’ point toward a collective shift in couples’ perspectives regarding how they want their wedding to look and feel in a ‘post-pandemic’ moment. Our lives have been forever changed. Naturally, the way we approach major life events will be different too. Pomp and circumstance give way to authenticity and sentiment revealing the current mood for 2023 – weddings are to be joyful celebrations bursting with unfiltered love and emotion.
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