Should You Use the RSVP Card?
With the advent of social media and emails, it has become easier and more common for people to use these methods for their wedding invitations. The same goes for the RSVP, even if someone received a paper invitation that included a mail-able RSVP card. But just like a cyber-based invite loses the charm, thoughtfulness, and delight of opening a real invitation, so does missing the opportunity to open the RSVPs if you are the bride.
Without traditional RSVPs, weddings just aren’t the same.
brides on WeddingWire. After spending so much time designing their invitations and intentionally including RSVPs (some with postage included) as a practical and special way to plan for the number of guests at theirwedding (not to mention the seating arrangement) not getting those RSVPs back feels like full-frontal rudeness. The truth is, it kind of is. The even harder truth is, it may not be that easy to get your guests to utilize the RSVP cards unless you essentially ONLY acknowledge the paper-based RSVPs. Policing people for the sake of your special day really seems counterintuitive and wholly unpleasant.
Take it from these frustrated