Anna & Michael: An Elegant, Tropical Celebration at Catch Steak NYC
When Anna and Michael met at the end of 2020 during the pandemic, dating was anything but casual. “Life still wasn’t back to ‘normal,’” Anna remembers. “Because many places to socialize weren’t open, we immediately spent a lot of time together.” The situation was to Michael’s favor because he was on a waiting list to get a new puppy (It was Michael’s profile photo with his parents’ puppy that initially caught Anna’s attention). “I was really excited when it finally arrived,” she says. “Michael goes to work very early every day. I was working remotely so he asked me to stay over for a week to help.” Raising a puppy in New York City isn’t easy. “My patience was definitely tested. I threatened to go back home a couple of times,” she jokingly says. “That first week turned into me pretty much moving in and we have been inseparable ever since.”
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