Planning & Inspiration

Hot Summer, Hot Bouquets!

A scale of bright colors for these hot bouquets with a touch of swarovski crystals!


Planning & Inspiration

Flowers, Flowers, Flowers!

Here is a summer sampling of our work, enjoy the bright colors!

Planning & Inspiration

A Variety of Weddings

Here’s a sampling of some of our work ranging from cool chic to sassy spice!

Bridgewaters Wedding

Radenberg Wedding

Indian Wedding

Planning & Inspiration

Fuchsia Makes Lavender POP!

So many brides are choosing lavender these days. Adding some fun girly pink can spice it up!

How have you used fuchsia and lavender?

Planning & Inspiration

Baby’s Breath – A Desirable Wedding Flower?

Baby’s breath is often thought of as being a cheap filler but it’s making a comeback with today’s brides.

We don’t like pairing it with flowers, it looks great on its own…

As a tall centerpiece in an elegant vase,

As a crystal stand,

Or even as a simplistic bouquet.

It can be stunning and give your wedding a touch of vintage!

Planning & Inspiration

Cascade bouquets…Vintage or Contemporary?

Today’s brides generally opt for rounded, hand-tied bouquets and think of cascading bouquets as being vintage or old fashioned. We love the look of a well done, classy cascade bouquet. They can be simply stunning if made well. The only thing to be aware of is to make sure that this type of bouquet compliments your dress. If you’re wearing a ball gown don’t even think about it! Check out some of our own cascade bouquets along with a few others we found.