Planning & Inspiration

Next In Wedding Tech?

iPad wedding album by Darkershadesofbrown Photography

iPad wedding album by Darkershadesofbrown Photography

As the world waits for Apple’s announcement on September 9th, one thing is certain: whatever mobile, wearable, stylish gadget is introduced, tech-savvy brides will be among the first adopters.

It’s amazing to think about all the ways technology has been integrated into wedding planning and celebrations. Apps and online tools now streamline and enhance the planning process in ways the previous generation never imagined. Photos taken with smart phones and shared over social media channels are now so expected that couples who don’t want guests to share mention that request on their wedding websites. Read More

Planning & Inspiration

Creative Ways to Use Estimote Stickers for Weddings

Image: Estimote.

Image: Estimote.

A new tool could help streamline the details of your most important events. Estimote Stickers allow your cell phone and other devices to track and interact with everyday objects. These colorful, miniature beacons sense movement, distance and temperature by sending radio signals with Bluetooth through Apple iBeacon. A step beyond wearable technology, this is nearable technology or “Nearables.”

As soon as I read that kits of ten stickers are available for pre-order I started to think about how they could be used by brides and wedding planners. Centerpiece vases, cake boxes, and gown bags came to mind immediately. Knowing exactly where everything is and when vital components arrive, without so much as sending a text, could ease minds in the hours leading up to the ceremony. Read More

Planning & Inspiration

Wedding Etiquette: MOG

“There she is, the woman you will, in a manner of speaking, soon be committing your life to.” No, this is not a thought fluttering around inside the Groom’s head as he gazes mesmerized at his soon-to-be-Bride. This is your own self talking to YOU Miss Bride, while you are looking right at the MOG.

Ok, so what is the MOG? Well, the MOG stands for the Mother-of-the-Groom. I am going to resist the urge to make any jokes about getting mobbed by the MOG during your wedding planning, as well as the actual ceremony and reception. Ok, maybe that was one little joke. I just could not resist!

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Planning & Inspiration

Bridesmaids 2.0

While those who we might choose as our bridesmaids at our weddings may not change with the seasons, the trending wedding apparel we see for bridesmaids is always transforming. The choices are dazzling and endless. For that reason, narrowing down how you make your choices, and being aware of what your bridesmaids may want and need, is a decision that requires some extra consideration.


Ruched Red Taffeta Red Layed Strapless Short Bridesmaid Dress-0

Firstly, you want your bridesmaids to feel beautiful in what they are wearing.  The dresses should be flattering and comfortable. No amount of makeup or jewelry can complete a look more than confidence and appeal. One stylistic element that works on just about everyone is ruching. Ruching’s diagonal pattern brings the focus of the eye inward, creating a stream-lined silhouette.

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Planning & Inspiration

Wedding Etiquette: Seating Your Guests

1000509261001_2013980530001_William-Shakespeare-The-Life-of-the-BardTo sit, or not to sit, that is the question. Well, ok maybe Shakespeare isn’t necessary for pondering the significance of who to seat where at your wedding reception. Then again, there are probably some heavier-esque things to consider. Firstly, be aware of any issues of physical ability. If grandma is in a wheelchair, be sure to seat her near an entrance/exit for easy access in case of fire, or in case of something more mundane, like needing to use the restroom. Also consider theproximity of her location to meal and beverage if you are doing a buffet-style reception. Even if she is not making her plate up herself, someone else will be no doubt assisting her, and so the distance to travel should be considered. Now remember, other family will also want to sit near her, like mom, and maybe even yourself, so you’ll have to consider her seat in relationship to other people, as well as her needs.

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Planning & Inspiration

Bride Advice: What To Do About the Unwanted (But Necessary) Guests


Most of us, if not all of us, can think of at least one unwanted guest we’ve consistently had to invite to all of our major family and milestone celebrations. Maybe it is the nosy aunt, the quintessential creepy uncle, the grandparent who states any and all opinions no matter how unfavorable to the audience. Perhaps it your soon-to-be-in-laws, an enormous weight if they are coming to your wedding and expect to be warmly welcomed.

What to do with these unwanted guests? You do not want them to mess up your special day in any way, including your mood. You deserve to really enjoy this day, right? But, you also do not want to be rude and give people the cold shoulder, especially the people you may be seeing every year after that for family events and who may have a powerful influence over your spouse, and even the children you may have. bride and groom on a black background Read More