Planning & Inspiration

Signature Cocktails With Spice & Sparkle

imageWelcome guests to your wedding reception with a festive signature cocktail that embodies fall’s bright spirit. Signature drinks need not be fussy to make an impression. Standout recipes are often inspired twists on familiar classics. Take for example, the Pinterest-popular Apple Cider Bellini, a combination of cider, sparkling wine or champagne, plus a touch of fig or pomegranate liquor. Attracted to the concept of signature cocktails but not sure how to choose a drink that will please your crowd? Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Consider Color: If your bridesmaids will wear plum and your bouquet and centerpieces will include purple orchids and lavender roses, champagne cocktails, created with crème de cassis blackcurrent liquor will perfectly coordinate.
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Planning & Inspiration

First Look Photos: This Magic Moment


First Look photos have become a popular trend in wedding photography over the past few years. Couples are often unsure whether they want these sneak peak shots. There is a common expectation that the groom will first see his bride’s dress as she walks toward him down the aisle and if that moment has been built up in wedding fantasies, it’s hard to let go. Of course, cultural traditions vary. In Jewish weddings, for example, the couple gathers with a witness, before the ceremony, to sign their ketubah. For Jewish couples, documenting the First Look may feel more natural.

Image by Aaron & Jillian

Image by Aaron & Jillian

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Planning & Inspiration

Live Event Painters Make Your Wedding a Work of Art


Now that digital technology makes documenting and sharing every wedding detail simple and expected, couples who crave a classic touch hire live event painters to capture celebrations on canvas in real time. Of course wedding paintings actually predate photography. In many cultures, couples sat for formal portraits which became family heirlooms. Today’s live paintings are sure to be just as cherished.

The event painting trend began to emerge about a decade ago, gathered speed due to social media, and grew exponentially after a piece in the New York Times.

Painters meet first with the couple to understand their taste and preferences. As anyone working in the wedding industry knows, customization is vital. That said, individual painters each have their own style. Some artists depict realistic detail and color, while others produce more stylized work. My personal favorites leave faces and tables somewhat blurred, capturing the happy rush of the dance floor, and let recognizable glimpses emerge: a bridesmaid’s posture, or the play of candlelight against floral centerpieces in glass. Read More

Planning & Inspiration

Decorating Cakes With Fresh Flowers

Delicate white orchids adorn an  elegantly simple cake.

Delicate white orchids adorn an elegantly simple cake.

Fresh flowers bring so much beauty and romance to a wedding cake. It’s no wonder this look is trending. Decorating a cake with real blossoms is just one more way to bring nature’s vibrance to your celebration. Here are some wedding cakes wearing flowers we designed.

Romantic cake with roses, wild flowers, dahlias and hydrangeas.

Romantic cake with roses, wild flowers, dahlias and hydrangeas.

Deep pink and cream garden roses on a tired wedding cake with floral piping.

Deep pink and cream garden roses on a tired wedding cake with floral piping.

Striking chocolate fondant cake with calla lillies.

Striking chocolate fondant cake with calla lillies.

Inspiring photos of flower-adorned cakes are pinned all over the bridal blogosphere. I noticed questions and concerns about safety. While it’s true that many flowers are not edible, professional bakers and florists know behind-the-scenes tricks that ensure cakes stay pristine. Arrangements are often composed and attached to small platforms before being carefully placed upon fondant-covered tiers. Stems are wrapped or encased tiny tubes. Servers know to remove floral decorations as the cake is cut, so guests avoid stray petals. It’s wedding magic! Read More

Throwback Thursday: The Renaissance Style Wedding

006_primaryToday I could not help but feel inspired by Shakespeare. I already posted one blog article earlier that managed to incorporate a wedding-esque version of Hamlet’s speech (“to sit or not to sit” is indeed a question) but I just was not ready to be finished with this guy! Being an actress in my freetime, I have a special place in my heart for Shakespeare. I may not always entirely understand what he is saying, but I do enjoy saying it. That’s what matters. There is no question there. So, continuing with my Shakespeare-kick, I decided to look into wedding trends that would represent a (Thursday) throwback to his era. What I discovered fit my love of Shakespeare well: the trend of his time reimagined for today’s wedding is aptly described as “Renaissance.” How JAR_8615_C_0437might I describe the Renaissance style? Luxurious, epic, and majestic. With gowns featuring brocade fabric elements, enchanting v-necklines, corset-style bodices, and dual-layered dress-skirting, I could not help but experience a rebirth of my love for all things Renaissance, Shakespeare, and wedding-oriented. The jewelry is intricate and softly ornate, standing as a reflection of the high-gothic art that once hailed across Europe during this time period. Color choices in bouquets, centerpieces, and overall design elements are deep, lush, and earthy, connoting power, strength, and solidarity. Above all, what strikes me as most significant about the influence of this time period on wedding fashion is the fascination with details, artistry, and a true enduring love of beauty. The Renaissance represented a time-period when the European world opened it’s cultural eye to new possibilities and ideas. The art of this time period reflected this new enlightened way of seeing the world. It is no surprise then that within its echo in today’s wedding styles, we see an enthusiastic love for fine art exalted through the celebration of love that is a marriage.

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Planning & Inspiration

Spotting the Perfect Wedding Invitation

beautiful-morning-sunrise-pictureI have this wonderful morning ritual. It only recently became a ritual, and it began by accident. Still, the importance of it I cannot shake. When I first wake up, before I am even thinking about my cup of coffee, or better yet, that crisp shower and fresh towel, I go downstairs. I sit on the living room couch, gaze out the window and wait usually no longer than 30 seconds before my adorable dog, Peaches, joins me.

Now, there is something truly special about Peaches to me. Before I had Peaches, I was augw1rather afraid of dogs. As anyone who knows anything about dogs can tell you, the worst thing about being afraid of dogs is that that makes them more likely to do the things that make you afraid of them to begin with. Being ancestors of wolves, dogs smell fear as part of their way of understanding who belongs in whatever position in the pack hierarchy: there is always a dominant, or alpha male-female pair, and then subordinates, in the pack. They come to depend on everyone upholding their roles, especially those in the alpha position. When they smell fear, they attribute it to a lack of pack-stability, and attack that which is afraid to establish some kind of dominance and to let them know who is charge. Read More