Today I could not help but feel inspired by Shakespeare. I already posted one blog article earlier that managed to incorporate a wedding-esque version of Hamlet’s speech (“to sit or not to sit” is indeed a question) but I just was not ready to be finished with this guy! Being an actress in my freetime, I have a special place in my heart for Shakespeare. I may not always entirely understand what he is saying, but I do enjoy saying it. That’s what matters. There is no question there. So, continuing with my Shakespeare-kick, I decided to look into wedding trends that would represent a (Thursday) throwback to his era. What I discovered fit my love of Shakespeare well: the trend of his time reimagined for today’s wedding is aptly described as “Renaissance.” How
might I describe the Renaissance style? Luxurious, epic, and majestic. With gowns featuring brocade fabric elements, enchanting v-necklines, corset-style bodices, and dual-layered dress-skirting, I could not help but experience a rebirth of my love for all things Renaissance, Shakespeare, and wedding-oriented. The jewelry is intricate and softly ornate, standing as a reflection of the high-gothic art that once hailed across Europe during this time period. Color choices in bouquets, centerpieces, and overall design elements are deep, lush, and earthy, connoting power, strength, and solidarity. Above all, what strikes me as most significant about the influence of this time period on wedding fashion is the fascination with details, artistry, and a true enduring love of beauty. The Renaissance represented a time-period when the European world opened it’s cultural eye to new possibilities and ideas. The art of this time period reflected this new enlightened way of seeing the world. It is no surprise then that within its echo in today’s wedding styles, we see an enthusiastic love for fine art exalted through the celebration of love that is a marriage.
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