Planning & Inspiration

Hot Summer, Hot Bouquets!

A scale of bright colors for these hot bouquets with a touch of swarovski crystals!


Planning & Inspiration

Flowers, Flowers, Flowers!

Here is a summer sampling of our work, enjoy the bright colors!

Planning & Inspiration

Bride & Blossom Pins

Bride and Blossom is now on Pinterest! View our Pins at:

Planning & Inspiration

A Variety of Weddings

Here’s a sampling of some of our work ranging from cool chic to sassy spice!

Bridgewaters Wedding

Radenberg Wedding

Indian Wedding

Planning & Inspiration

Fuchsia Makes Lavender POP!

So many brides are choosing lavender these days. Adding some fun girly pink can spice it up!

How have you used fuchsia and lavender?