Lauren & Patrick: Autumn Bliss at New York Botanical Garden
Lauren and Patrick Wedding – Bride and Groom Portrait – New York Botanical Garden – Theory Photographie
Lauren and Patrick met for their first date in October 2017. They met the classic way you meet anyone in NYC…on Bumble. “We were both nervous, so things got off to a rocky start,” Lauren says. “But after I mentioned that I grew up listening to Billy Joel – who Patrick also listened to with his best friends growing up in Cold Spring Harbor – we instantly clicked. The night continued with margaritas and many laughs, exchanging stories about growing up in New York, and a failed attempt to go to karaoke – it was Tuesday and they closed at 10 pm.” On their second date, Patrick told Lauren that he was likely moving to Malaysia in six months for work. “I initially shrugged it off. But that following week, Patrick got a call that he was to transfer in four weeks,” she says. After making the most of the time they had left together, the couple decided to commit to a long-distance relationship. “The next two years were filled with so much travel and adventure…so lots of time in an airport!” Lauren remembers.
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